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Showing posts from September 15, 2023

Basics of Zero-Shot Object Detection

Computer vision tasks, such as object detection, have traditionally relied on labeled image datasets for training. However, this approach is limited to detecting only the set of classes present in the training data. Zero-shot object detection (ZSD) is a breakthrough in computer vision that allows models to detect objects in images based on free-text queries, without the need for fine-tuning on labeled datasets This capability has significant implications for businesses, as it enables more flexible and adaptable computer vision systems. In this blog post, we will explore how zero-shot object detection is changing computer vision tasks in business and discuss some of the key benefits and challenges associated with this technology. The Basics of Zero-Shot Object Detection Z ero-shot object detection is supported by models like OWL-ViT, an open-vocabulary object detector that can detect objects in images based on free-text queries These models use a combination of visual and semantic infor

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