Getting Started with Anaconda: Installing Jupyter Notebook and Basic Libraries Skip to main content

Getting Started with Anaconda: Installing Jupyter Notebook and Basic Libraries

If you're interested in learning Python for data analysis or machine learning, you'll need to install a few things to get started. This guide will walk you through the process of installing Anaconda, Python, Jupyter Notebook, and some basic libraries.

Manual Installation using Anaconda Navigator

Step 1: Download and Install Anaconda

Anaconda is a distribution of Python that comes with many popular libraries and tools for scientific computing and data analysis. You can download it for free from the Anaconda website.

Go to the Anaconda website, and choose the version that is compatible with your operating system. Once you have downloaded the installer, follow the installation instructions to install Anaconda on your computer.

Step 2: Install Python

After installing Anaconda, you will have Python installed on your computer. To check if it's installed, open your command prompt or terminal and type "python" without the quotes. You should see a message that tells you the version of Python that is installed.

Step 3: Install Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is an interactive environment for working with Python. It allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. To install Jupyter Notebook, open your Anaconda Navigator and click on the "Environments" tab.

From there, select the environment you want to use for Jupyter Notebook (for beginners, use the base environment). Then, click on the "Not installed" dropdown and search for "jupyter". Click on the checkbox next to "jupyter" to install it.

Step 4: Install Basic Libraries

Now that you have Anaconda, Python, and Jupyter Notebook installed, you'll need to install some basic libraries to start working with data.

To install libraries, open your Anaconda Navigator and select the environment you want to use. Then, click on the "Not installed" dropdown and search for the following libraries:

  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Scikit-learn

Click on the checkbox next to each library to install it.

with that said, we have now installed Anaconda, Python, Jupyter Notebook, and some basic libraries! You are now ready to start your journey with machine learning and Data science.

To get started, open Jupyter Notebook and create a new notebook. You can start experimenting with Python code, loading data, and exploring the libraries you installed. Have fun and keep learning!

Installation Using Anaconda Prompt

After installing Anaconda using the steps shown above, you can install python and all other libraries discussed using the Anaconda prompt instead of the manual way discussed before. Here is how this works:
Step 1: Download and Install Anaconda
Go to the Anaconda website, and choose the version that is compatible with your operating system.
  • Download the installer.
  • Follow the installation instructions to install Anaconda on your computer.
Step 2: Install Python
  • Open your command prompt or terminal.
  • Type "python" without the quotes and hit enter.
  • You should see a message that tells you the version of Python that is installed.
Step 3: Install Jupyter Notebook
Alternatively, you can also install Jupyter Notebook using the following command in your terminal:
conda install jupyter

Step 4: Install Basic Libraries

Alternatively, you can also install these libraries using the following commands in your terminal:
conda install numpy
conda install pandas
conda install matplotlib
conda install scikit-learn

That said, With these simple steps, you can install Anaconda, Python, Jupyter Notebook, and some basic libraries to start your journey with machine learning and Data science.


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